Limited screened posters designed and numbered by Nicholas Nocera from for the Anyway 25th Anniversary will be available at the shows and through Thursday night line-up at Spacebar: Counter Intuits, The Whiles, Long Odds (Adam Elliott/Kristen Elliott/Mike O./Philip Kim/Jared Phillips), Jenny Mae. Friday at Ace of Cups (sold out): The Mountain Goats/Cheater Slicks/Tristen/St. Lenox/Mary Lynn—START TIME HAS CHANGED TO 7:30! Saturday @ Ace of Cups: Chuck Cleaver (Wussy, Ass Ponys), Appalachian Death Ride, Moviola, Kyle Sowashes, Cowboy 2929 (pre-sale tickets only $5
Anyway Posters Available Through
Tags:Anyway RecordsAppalachian Death RideCheater SlicksColumbus OhioCounter IntuitsKyle SowashesLong OddsMary LynnSt. LenoxThe Mountain GoatsThe WhilesTimes New VikingTristen