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Appalachian Death Ride
Franklin Bruno
Ghost Shirt
Guided By Voices
Jenny Mae
New Bomb Turks
St. Lenox
Terribly Empty Pockets
The Kyle Sowashes
The Lindsay
The Motel Beds
The Whiles
Winter Makes Sailors
WV White

Old 3C
Thrill Jockey

Bela Koe-Krompecher’s Blog
Beyond the End of the Road
Brian Turner on WFMU’s Beware of the Blog
Can’t Stop the Bleeding
Jon Solomon
Magic Is Tragic
Patience Mason
Razing the Bar
Read My Back
Savage Aesthetic
The Agit Reader
Tiny Mantras

6 thoughts on “Links”

  1. Hello Anyway!

    Hope you’re all doing well, thanks for bringing music to Columbus – keep doing your thing. I’m Roger – music director for a Columbus-based productions company, Loose Films. We specialize in music videos, travel documentaries, behind the scenes, and social media content for artists. We pride ourselves on our fresh and creative approach to traditional filmmaking that produces unique content specially curated for each artist we work with!

    With that, I was hoping to begin a dialogue with you all about our work and what we do with music here in Columbus. We are always looking to expand our knowledge about the music scene here to further our efforts of bringing more art to Columbus. I know it’s a busy time for us all, however if you have any time in the upcoming weeks to potentially have a chat with us, we would absolutely love to. Let me know if this interests Anyway Records at all. Thank you so much!

    1. Hello Roger,

      Thank you for your message and I apologize for the delayed response. Are you still interested in beginning a dialogue? If so, what did you have in mind as far as a cohort between Loose Films and Anyway Records?

  2. Hey!
    I run a Columbus-based music blog called Indientry, and I’m looking to get more into the local scene. I’m familiar with The Whiles, so I checked out the rest of your roster – looks awesome! Do you guys have a press mailing list that I could be added to, or can we talk about getting your musicians some coverage? I’d love to feature your bands!

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